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Phoenix Cardiology Services & Diagnostic Testing

Whether you have heart disease or have symptoms you’re concerned about, the HealthspanMD Cardiology™ team will meet you wherever you are in your journey towards your heart health goals — helping you identify, assess and treat symptoms with conceirge-level care and a common-sense approach. 

If you’re concerned about high blood pressure, high cholesterol, chest pain, heart disease, atrial fibrillation or other cardiac issues, you’ve come to the right place. 

Book a consultation and collaborate with our team to create a personalized plan that could increase both the length and quality of your life. We accept Medicare!

Comprehensive cardiology services at HealthspanMD in Phoenix, AZ, focusing on heart disease prevention and treatment.

Our Reversal Programs

Reverse AFib

We’ve created an innovative Reverse AFib Program to give people the best chance to take charge of their AFib. Research shows a comprehensive approach like ours can reduce recurrent AFib up to 1,100% better than medications and ablation alone.

Reverse Your AFib

Reverse High Blood Pressure

If you rely solely on blood pressure medications, you’re missing key opportunities to avoid its potentially devastating effects. This program's comprehensive approach, combining expert medical care with optimized lifestyle choices outside of the doctor’s office, can lower your blood pressure and risks for future heart health issues.

Reverse Your High Blood Pressure

Reverse Heart Disease

Our Reverse Heart Disease Program can help you treat – or even reverse – heart disease. As heart disease leads to a death every 33 seconds in the U.S., we deliver expert medical care with never-rushed visits to help you take charge of your heart health.

Reverse Your Heart Disease

Our Trusted Diagnosis Process

At HealthspanMD Cardiology, we have decades of experience in diagnosing and effectively managing your symptoms. Our skilled team will thoroughly assess your condition, then provide you with clear steps to mitigate its effects. 

The diagnostic process typically begins with a detailed discussion about your:

  • Current symptoms
  • Personal and family medical history
  • Lifestyle and habits
  • Potential risk factors
  • Overall state of health

A physical examination follows, and depending on your specific case, we may also recommend other diagnostic tests, such as:

  • Electrocardiogram: Measures your heart's electrical activity
  • Echocardiogram: Visualizes the structure and function of your heart
  • Stress tests: Identifies possible heart artery blockages and fitness level
  • Cardiac CT scans and Cardiac MRI: Creates high-resolution images of heart valves, coronary arteries and aorta
  • Coronary angiograms: Takes dynamic X-ray images of your heart arteries
  • Holter monitor: Records your heart's activity over a certain period of time

Our team will work with you to determine the most appropriate testing based on your individual symptoms and health history.

Heart Symptoms We Treat

HealthspanMD Cardiology specializes in the comprehensive assessment and treatment of heart-related symptoms. We’ll dive into each of the following at your first consultation to answer your initial questions, so you’ll feel well-informed and confident about your treatment plan:

  • Chest Pain or Pressure
  • Shortness of Breath
  • Palpitations

Chest Pain or Chest Pressure

Cardiovascular-related chest pain, often referred to as angina, typically arises due to reduced blood flow to the heart. Chest paid can be a sign of heart disease, which could lead to life-threatening situations such as heart attacks if not diagnosed or managed early.

Other serious chest pain causes include pulmonary embolism (blood clot in the lungs), dissection of the aorta (tearing the artery from the heart), and pericarditis (inflammation of the sac around the heart).

Chest pain or chest pressure is a common symptom with a wide variety of causes — some life-threatening, some benign. Not all chest pain signals an urgent issue, as non-cardiac causes like gastrointestinal problems, heartburn, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), muscle strain, rib injuries, or panic attacks can also cause chest discomfort. This is why getting an evaluation with a cardiologist is so important: To pinpoint the root of the problem in order to treat it effectively.

Even if the cause turns out to be non-life-threatening, it's always better to err on the side of caution and seek out timely medical attention.

  • If your chest pain is severe, comes on suddenly, or is accompanied by symptoms like shortness of breath, nausea or fainting, you should seek immediate emergency care.
  • For non-emergency situations, HealthspanMD-Cardiology aims to schedule patients as soon as possible. We understand the anxiety that comes with chest pain, and we prioritize urgent cases to ensure prompt diagnosis and treatment.

Shortness of Breath

Shortness of breath, also known as dyspnea, is a common symptom that involves a sensation of difficulty breathing or feeling as if you can't get enough air. Shortness of breath can stem from a variety of causes, ranging from benign to potentially life-threatening.

Cardiac-related shortness of breath often results from conditions that affect the heart's ability to pump blood effectively, such as congestive heart failure or coronary artery disease. Serious respiratory conditions, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pneumonia, pulmonary embolism and lung cancer, can also lead to feelings of breathlessness.

However, not all instances of shortness of breath indicate a severe problem. Regardless of the underlying cause, identifying the reason behind your breathlessness is key to formulating the right treatment strategy.

Shortness of breath can sometimes indicate a serious medical condition, so it's important to receive prompt medical attention as soon as you notice the signs.

  • If your breathlessness is severe, sudden in onset or associated with other symptoms, like chest pain or fainting, you should seek immediate emergency care.
  • For non-emergency situations, our practice prioritizes urgent cases and makes every effort to schedule patients as quickly. We understand the anxiety that comes with experiencing symptoms like shortness of breath, and we strive to provide swift evaluation and treatment.

Palpitations or Racing Heart

Palpitations, often described as a racing or fluttering heart, are a sensation that your heart is beating too hard, too fast, skipping a beat or fluttering. Heart-related causes of palpitations such as arrhythmias (irregular heart rhythms), heart failure, heart valve problems or heart attack, which can be benign, but can also become serious if not managed early.

It’s important to note that certain medical conditions such as thyroid disease, low blood sugar, anemia and dehydration can also cause heart palpitations. And in some instances, stimulants like caffeine, nicotine and certain medications can lead to this symptom.

Not all palpitations indicate a serious health issue. It can also be a normal response to stress, exercise or emotions. Nonetheless, understanding the underlying cause of your palpitations is crucial to ensuring the correct treatment approach.

The frequency and severity of palpitations can vary significantly, and while they are often benign, they can sometimes indicate more serious underlying conditions.

  • If you are experiencing persistent or frequent palpitations, especially if they're accompanied by dizziness, chest pain, passing out (syncope) or shortness of breath, seek immediate emergency care.
  • For non-emergency situations, our practice strives to see patients as promptly as possible. We prioritize cases based on urgency and strive to accommodate your schedule to ensure timely evaluation and management.

Schedule a Consultation & Create Your HealthspanMD Action Plan

Find the best opportunities to take charge of your health and receive timely, non-rushed visits with ongoing, expert support.
You deserve concierge-level care, paid for by Medicare.

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