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No, we are not a concierge practice — but we do provide concierge-level care. Concierge-level care means you get direct access to a dedicated care team to help you take charge of your long-term health. Beyond the doctor’s office basics, you’ll receive:

  • Non-rushed appointments when you need them.
  • A care team that addresses your health issues as they arise, plus provides a personalized action plan for preventing disease before health issues become more severe.
  • A dedicated Concierge Care Coordinator to give you personalized attention and individualized support between visits.   
  • Direct messaging access to your care team. 
  • Active and timely follow-up for your lab and testing results.    
  • The ability to track and share important health data such as weight, blood pressure, blood sugar, nutrition and activity levels with your medical team to help guide you to your best health. 
  • An ongoing connection with your expert health team to address your best opportunities to live a long, healthy life.

While many cardiology clinics in the Valley accept Medicare, most don’t take a two-tiered approach to your heart health — or provide comprehensive and connected care with reliable, ongoing support.

First, we care for any active problems that need immediate attention, assessing your symptoms and all opportunities to treat acute or active heart problems. 

Our difference is, we don’t stop there. We then assess opportunities to keep your heart healthy in the long term. This goes beyond expert medical care in our clinic, giving you our Healthspan System to optimize your heart health with clear goals, a proven system and the support of an expert team.

Yes. We will provide expert suggestions that address the 5 Objectives and 5 Tools for optimal health through the Healthspan-10™ method.

The 5 Objectives 
    •    Great Blood Pressure 
    •    Optimal Cholesterol 
    •    Insulin Sensitive/Good Blood Sugar
    •    Good Muscle Mass/Fitness
    •    Healthy Fat/Visceral Fat 

The 5 Tools 
    •    Nutrition 
    •    Physical Activity 
    •    Restorative Sleep 
    •    Stress Management 
    •    Toxin Avoidance 

Having atrial fibrillation (AFib) — can be challenging, frightening and costly. AFib increases the risk of stroke, heart failure, blood clots, dementia and death, as well as ER visits and hospitalizations. 

However, traditional treatments for AFib, like medications and ablation procedures, are effective in preventing recurrent AFib in only about 50% of people. 1 

What does work? Research shows a comprehensive approach – meaning expert medical care plus addressing key lifestyle, weight and heart disease risk factors – can dramatically lower your risk and even make it possible to reverse your AFib.

You Can Reverse AFib

HealthspanMD Cardiology has created an innovative Reverse AFib Program (covered by Medicare) to give people the best chance to take charge of their AFib. Research shows a comprehensive approach like ours can:  

  • Reduce recurrent AFib 600% to 1,100%2 better than medications and ablation alone   
  • Reverse AFib in 88% of patients 3 
  • Decrease AFib medications by 91% 4

  • 1 J Am Coll Cardiol 2015;66:985-96. 
  • 2J Am Coll Cardiol 2015; 65:2159-69. 
  • 3 Europace 2018;20:1929-1935.  
  • 4 J Am Coll Cardiol 2015;65:2159-69

Our team can help you navigate your AFib reversal journey, providing timely care, never-rushed visits and a proven system to help you take charge of your heart health. 

​ Learn more about our Reverse AFib program and schedule your visit.

If you rely solely on blood pressure medications, you’re missing a great opportunity to avoid the potentially devastating effects of this condition (or even reverse it.) 

Only 24% of Americans have their hypertension under control (opens in a new tab)— which results in 1,100 premature deaths each day — because people aren’t receiving the comprehensive approach to blood pressure treatment they need.
We know you don’t want a long list of medications to impact your quality of life. And when you do try to improve other health objectives through optimal nutrition, sleep, stress management and more, you may not know where to start to get the best results. 

You need personalized, expert guidance to lower those numbers.

Our Reverse High Blood Pressure Program was created to give people the best chance at reversing their high blood pressure. 
We are experts at assessing hypertension and understand how a comprehensive approach – including expert medical care, plus optimizing your choices outside of the doctor’s office – can lower blood pressure along with your risk for heart attack, stroke, dementia and more.

Learn more about our Reverse High Blood Pressure Program and schedule your visit. We accept Medicare!

Our Reverse Heart Disease Program can help you treat – or even reverse – heart disease. 

Heart disease remains the leading cause of death in America – with a death every 33 seconds – despite being up to 90% preventable. This is unacceptable, and that’s why HealthspanMD Cardiology created the Reverse Heart Disease Program to deliver expert medical care that addresses the key factors leading to heart disease.

Research shows a comprehensive approach like ours can:   

  • Lower death by 81%1
  • Lower the risk of heart attack, stroke and heart failure by more than 80%2
  • Add 12-14 years to your life3

  • 1 Am J Epidemiol. 2013 Jul 1;178(1):12-21. 
  • 2.J Am Coll Cardiol. 2011 Apr 19; 57(16): 1690–1696. 
  • 3. Circulation. 2018 Jul 24;138(4):345-355. 

We offer timely, never-rushed visits and a proven system to help you take charge of your heart health through our Reverse Heart Disease program. And, we accept Medicare!

Ready to take charge of your heart health?

Learn more about our Reverse Heart Disease Program and schedule your visit. (opens in a new tab)

As an accomplished professional, you understand your health is your most valuable asset — and we understand your frustration with executive health programs that do a lot of testing, but don’t give you a clear action plan and an ongoing connection with your expert healthcare team to help you achieve your health goals, peak performance and longevity. 

That’s why we created the HealthspanMD Executive Health Program. This program provides the right strategy and tactics for a long, healthy life.

Executive health programs are attractive for many busy professionals because of the perception of convenience, thoroughness and focus on preventing disease. 

However, what most deliver is many diagnostic tests, vague advice on “eat less, move more,” and a game plan that ends with “see you next year.”  You, your family and your company deserve better. 

We accept Medicare! Schedule a visit and start working in partnership with your personal expert healthcare team to take control of your health.

An echocardiogram is a non-invasive test that provides detailed images of your heart structure, function, valves, pressures, pericardium and vessels around the heart.

There are many reasons to perform an echocardiogram, including evaluating symptoms, assessing heart function before or after certain therapies, assessing for evidence of high blood pressure or coronary artery disease, or as a screening tool. 

While echocardiograms are available in most cardiology offices and hospitals, what sets us apart at HealthspanMD Cardiology is our dedication to quality, expertise and exceptional patient experiences.

Every echocardiogram performed at our facility is read by a Level III certified echocardiographer, a highly specialized cardiologist who possesses extensive training and experience in this field.

The procedure typically takes around 45 minutes. You will be asked to lie on your left side during the examination. Prior to the procedure, we will apply a clear gel to your chest area. It is important to avoid applying any lotions or oils to your chest on the day of the exam, as they can interfere with the ultrasound images.Additionally, wearing loose and comfortable clothing will facilitate access to your chest area. If you have any specific concerns or questions regarding the preparation, we recommend consulting with your primary healthcare provider and our team beforehand.

We understand healthcare expenses can be a concern, which is why we strive to make our services accessible to everyone. HealthspanMD Cardiology accepts Medicare. 

For those who prefer or need an alternative to insurance coverage, we offer a complete echocardiogram with a comprehensive report for an affordable cash-pay price.
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