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Cancellation/No-Show Policy for HealthspanMD 

At HealthspanMD, we strive to provide excellent and timely medical care to all our patients. To do so, we kindly request that our patients commit to scheduled appointments. 

1. Policy Overview: This policy outlines our practice's approach to managing same-day cancellations and no-shows – this includes clinical appointments, testing appointments, and meetings with our Healthspan coaches and other team members. We understand that unexpected situations can occur, and we appreciate your communication in such instances. Our goal is to be fair to all patients while ensuring the efficient operation of our practice. 

2. Same-Day Cancellations: If you must cancel your appointment, we ask that you provide us with at least 24 hours' notice. This allows us to offer your appointment slot to another patient in need of care. Same-day cancellations will be subject to a $100 fee, except in cases of emergencies. 

3. Late Arrivals: Arriving late for an appointment disrupts the scheduled care for you and other patients. 

Less than 15 Minutes Late: We will do our best to accommodate you, but it may be necessary to abbreviate your appointment to avoid delays for other patients. 

More than 15 Minutes Late: Depending on the schedule and the nature of your appointment, you may be asked to reschedule and a late arrival fee of $100 may be applied. This ensures fairness and optimal care for all our patients. 

4. No-Show Policy: A "no-show" is when a patient fails to arrive for a scheduled appointment without prior notice. 

First Occurrence: We understand that mistakes can happen. The first no-show may be forgiven, but we will document it in your patient record. 

Second Occurrence: If a second no-show occurs, we will need to reassess our ability to provide care. This could lead to a discussion about the potential dismissal from our practice. We will also charge a no-show fee of $100, which must be paid prior to your next appointment. 

Dismissal from Practice: A 3rd cancellation, late arrival, or no-show would indicate that we cannot continue providing care and would lead to dismissal from the practice.  

5. Exceptions: We understand that life is unpredictable. Exceptions to this policy may be made for extenuating circumstances, at our discretion. 

6. Questions/Concerns: If you have any questions or concerns about this policy, please do not hesitate to contact our office. We are here to help and ensure you receive the care you need. 

I acknowledge receiving, reading and understanding HealthspanMD’s cancellation and no-show policy.